Our Mission:

Growing as followers of Christ and inviting others to join adventure.

Reconciliation with God.

What is the glory of God? The glory of God is the gravity that keeps those who see and savor it from spinning off into the spacious trivialities of sin. God’s desire is that He might be known and enjoyed for His nature and character.

We believe that the center of the gospel is the glory and grace of Jesus Christ, so we strive to be a church that is centered on the gospel and reconciled to God through Christ. We preach the grace of Jesus unapologetically because it is God’s grace that trains us to be holy (Titus 2:11-12). Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we can now be reconciled to God. Our mission is to preach this gospel unapologetically to the world.

Reconciliation with others.

Though each Christian has a personal relationship with God, that relationship is not individual or private. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation. We were made for community; relationship with God and with each other. The local church is not merely a place that we attend but a people to whom we belong. The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Reconciliation with others means living in a Gospel-centered community together; a radical call amid a culture of mere attendance and casual involvement. It involves mutual love, care, consistency and authenticity as we seek to adorn the person and work of Christ with our lives.

The North Hills Story: 

North Hills started as a Bible Study…moved from building to building…even met in a small movie theatre that was on main street here in Lingle.  The building here was built in Lingle, Wy in the year of 1983. The building itself was built on the north hill in Lingle  on purpose…so that when you drive up main street in Lingle,  you will  see the cross and we pray that  people would be drawn to the cross and to Jesus Christ.  North Hills is a church that is a lighthouse on a hill.  We want to continue to be that.  We hope to expect new people to be in church every Sunday.  And also see the next generation that comes after us…our children and others come to know Jesus as their Savior.